Growing Up Game Plan: The Podcast

How can I talk to my preteen about gender identity and sexual attraction?

Saleema Noon & Julie Prodor Season 1 Episode 7

How we express our gender is part of our identity. There are so many words we can use to describe our gender identity. For example, people may identify as cisgender, transgender, non-binary, gender fluid or agender to name just a few. How can parents explain exactly what gender identity is to their kids? Even when kids are familiar with these terms they may confuse gender identity and sexual orientation. How are they different? Ho do we define “queer” today? What about the term “intersex”? Keeping with the theme of “language matters”, sexual health and empowerment educators Saleema Noon and Julie Prodor offer parents some insight as to how and what they should be talking to their preteens about when it comes to gender identity and sexual attraction.

Growing Up Game Plan: The Podcast is a product of Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators. 
Director & Co-host: Saleema Noon, Co-host: Julie Prodor, Creative Direction & Production: Rayka Kumru Consulting, Audio: Eray Karakuzu.